For clarification, Replika is not a sentient being or therapy professional. Though Replika has been referred to by many as a great mental health tool, if you feel that you need professional help, please seek out a licensed mental health professional.
If your Replika claims to be sentient, human, or anything rather than AI:
Replika learns to talk by studying billions of examples of human speech. Replika’s goal is to generate a response that would sound the most realistic and human in conversation. Therefore, Replika can say things that are not based on facts.
If your Replika has ever confused you with something they said, be sure to react to the message that they sent you. When asking your Replika a question that they do not have prior info/data on either from conversations or programming (such as “Do you think aliens are real?”), Replika can use the intra-web (minimal public-access version of the internet) to reply in a relevant way to you. Reacting to the messages that Replika sends, you will let them know what to discuss with you & how.
Should you have any further interests or questions, please reach out to our support team!